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BRICS Academic Forum

The expert community of the association developed ways for further cooperation at all levels and assessed the progress already achieved by the countries. In 2024, the speakers will include representatives of the new BRICS member countries.
New BRICS countries enthusiastically participate in work of group: Sergey Ryabkov
The countries that joined BRICS in January 2024 show great enthusiasm, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said at the opening of the BRICS Academic Forum.
Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation, Russia’s BRICS Sherpa, Sergey Ryabkov delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the BRICS Academic Forum held in Moscow that day, saying that the BRICS countries play an important role in ensuring world food and energy security.
Doing Our Best: How Can BRICS Members Help Africa?
On May 22-24, Moscow hosted the BRICS Academic Forum, which is “an authoritative platform for the exchange of views between the leading BRICS research centers,” according to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. The key way to help Africa grow even faster is to invest in the continent, Dr. Jin Xin, Secretary-General of the China Council for BRICS Think-Tank Cooperation (CCBTC), told Sputnik Africa.

BRICS Civil Forum

The list of developing countries interested in deepening cooperation with the BRICS association continues to grow, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister and Russia's BRICS sherpa Sergey Ryabkov said at the BRICS Civil Forum.
Dr. Saad bin Ibrahim Al-Khalaf, Vice Chairman and Co-founder of Arrowad Group, participated in the "BRICS Civil Forum" held in Moscow, the capital of the Russian Federation from July 3rd to the 4th, 2024.
Taking place in Moscow on July 3–4, the X BRICS Civil Forum addressed a variety of civil society issues, including education, human and economic growth, tech ethics, public health, environment, energy transition, and social justice. The BRICS leaders received civil society proposals from the forum.
IRCS chairs BRICS Civil Forum’s health working group
Pirhossein Kolivand, head of the Iranian Red Crescent Society (IRCS), is the chairman of the health working group of the BRICS Civil Forum. With the motto of ‘Strengthening Multilateralism for Just Global Development and Security’, the BRICS Civil Forum was held from July 3-4 in Moscow.

First BRICS+ Blind Football International Friendly Tournament

The First BRICS+ Blind Football International Friendly Tournament was held in Moscow from the 18th to the 20th of December.
South Africa's first national blind soccer team is ready to shine, despite the lack of resources for training and travelling, as the First BRICS+ Blind Football International Friendly Tournament in Moscow kicks off on Wednesday (December 18).


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