HSE University Hosted a Meeting of the Education and Human Development Working Group under the BRICS Civil Forum
On May 14, HSE University in Moscow hosted a meeting of the Education and Human Development Working group. The participants discussed the distinctive features of their respective educational systems, specific challenges faced by their countries, and shared experiences on measures implemented to enhance the quality of education. The event was moderated by Evgeniy Terentev, Chair of the Working group and Director of the Institute of Education at HSE University. Experts from India, China, Brazil, South Africa, and Russia actively participated in the discussions.

BRICS Academic Forum Opens in Moscow: Key Event to Help Shape Future BRICS Agenda
The BRICS Academic Forum officially opened on May 22 under the motto "BRICS: New Figures at the Global Chessboard," bringing together more than 200 representatives of the expert community from across the BRICS member states. Representatives of more than 10 countries are taking part in the forum. The event's opening ceremony featured a number of prominent speakers, including Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation and Russian BRICS Sherpa Sergey Ryabkov; HSE University Rector Nikita Anisimov; First Deputy Chair of the Committee on International Affairs of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Federal Assembly and Board Chair of the National Committee on BRICS ResearchVyacheslav Nikonov; and Head of the BRICS Expert Council-Russia, HSE University Vice Rector and Russian W20 Sherpa Victoria Panova.
A Meeting of the Culture, Sports, and Tourism Working Group under the BRICS Civil Forum Took Place in Moscow
On May 16, HSE University hosted a virtual meeting of the Culture, Sports, and Tourism Working group under the BRICS Civil Forum. During the event, both Russian and international participants discussed recommendations for the leaders of the BRICS nations concerning the group's civil agenda.
Roundtable Discussion on New Horizons of Science and Technology Cooperation Between the BRICS Countries through the Eyes of Young Scientists Took Place in Moscow
On May 14, HSE University hosted a roundtable discussion titled “The New Horizons of Science and Technology Cooperation Between the BRICS Countries through the Eyes of Young Scientists” in the run-up for the BRICS Academic Forum. The participants discussed the key areas and formats for developing cooperation within BRICS in the fields of science, technology, and innovation. Experts in science and education, along with young scholars, were invited to exchange views on the prospects for youth participation in BRICS and to identify new approaches, tools, and formats for expanding science and technology cooperation within the group.
Experts Discussed Integration and Cooperation Across the Eurasian Space
On May 14, HSE University hosted a round table titled "The Eurasian Space: Index of Integration and Multilateral Cooperation Formats", which brought together leading experts, representatives of the academic community, and various speakers from Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, and Armenia. The event provided a platform for participants to share ideas on the future of Eurasian integration and multilateral cooperation.

Roundtable Discussion on Economic Partnership of the BRICS States and Prospects for Multilateral Cooperation in the Eurasian Space Held in Moscow
On May 14, HSE University hosted a round table focused on the economic partnership of the BRICS countries and the prospects for multilateral cooperation in the Eurasian space. The event was organized as part of Russian 2024 BRICS Chairship. Vladimir Zuev, Head of the Section for Economic Cooperation, Trade, Infrastructure, and Energy, and Professor at HSE UniversityInstitute of Trade Policy, moderated the discussion.

A Meeting of the Culture, Sports, and Tourism Working Group under the BRICS Civil Forum Took Place on April 26
On April 26, the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation hosted a meeting of the Culture, Sports, Tourism Working group under the BRICS Civil Forum. During the meeting, participants discussed the content and procedure for preparing the proposals to be included in the stance document of the upcoming forum. Proposals were made to ensure the integration of new members into the Working group's agenda. Experts highlighted the crucial role of interaction between civil society members of the BRICS nations in fostering integration and building non-governmental contacts between member states.

HSE Hosts Round Table ‘Africa and BRICS: Reflections and Prospects’
On April 15, 2024 HSE University hosted a roundtable discussion ‘Africa and BRICS: Reflections and Prospects.’ The event featured leading experts from the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) Steven Gruzd and Gustavo de Carvalho and was moderated by HSE Vice Rector and Head of the BRICS Expert Council–Russia Victoria Panova.
A Roundtable Discussion “Environmental Conservation and Сombating Climate Change: What Can BRICS Offer The World?” Took Place in Moscow
On April 18, HSE University hosted a round table on “Environmental Conservation and Combating Climate Change: What can BRICS Offer The World?” The event was moderated by Igor Makarov, Ph.D. in Economics, Head of the HSE Department of World Economy, Head of the Working Group on Sustainable Development, Human Well-Being, Environmental and Food Security of the BRICS Expert Council–Russia.
A Roundtable Discussion of the Working Group “Sovereign Economic and Financial Development” Took Place in Moscow
On April 12, HSE University in Moscow hosted a round table of the Working group “Sovereign Economic and Financial Development” within the BRICS Civil Forum.